Mrs. Eligia David, Chairperson
Eligia David has been teaching in Chicago Public Schools for 33 years. She has a B.A. from Louis University and an M.A. from Concordia University and is an Illinois State Certified Instructor. She is a member of Midwest Bible Church where she is Director of Children's Ministries, facilitator for AWANA, and coordinates the Next Level Women's Study curriculum. She has been married for 32 years and has three adult sons.
Mr. Saul Ayala
Saul Ayala is the school board's Elder Representative. He has been a member of Midwest Bible Church for almost 10 years and has been an Elder for the past 5 years. He is married to Arlene Ayala. They celebrated 20 years of marriage this past May. They have two teenage boys, the youngest started in Pre-K and is currently in the 8th grade at MCA. The oldest graduated from MCA and is an Honors student at Chicago Bulls College Prep. MCA has played a pivotal role in the spiritual growth and academic success of his children. He is a Supervising Communicable Disease Investigator for the Chicago Department of Public Health, currently on the COVID-19 response team. He graduated from Carl Schurz in '90, Northeastern Il (BA) in '95, and Roosevelt Univ. (MPA) in '02.
Mr. Lee Saunders, School Principal
Lee Saunders is Principal of Midwestern Christian Academy. He has a B.A. from Grand Canyon University in Secondary Education, an M.A. in Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has done graduate study in educational administration at the University of Houston. He has served as head administrator, middle school principal, athletic director, and taught Bible, American History, Civics and Journalism at four other Christian schools before moving to Chicago.
Mr. Sam Tinaglia
Sam Tinaglia Sr. is a native Chicagoan who grew up in the Belmont Cragin neighborhood and attended Midwest Bible Church with his family for 30 years (which means he spent many a night in the MCA Gym). Sam is an investment banker and lives in Park Ridge, IL with his wife and three children. He graduated from Lane Tech in '84, University of Chicago (AB) in '88, and UCLA (MBA) in '92.
Mrs. Rachel Solis
Rachel Solis is a Wisconsin transplant that started attending Midwest Bible church as a Moody student in 2001. It is here where she met and married her husband (an MCA grad) of 10 years. After graduation she started teaching at Midwestern Christian Academy and stayed there for nine years until the birth of their first child. She has been serving on the MCA school board since 2015 as its secretary and substitute teaches at MCA when she can find someone to watch her 4 young children.
Mrs. Daniela Poenar
Daniela Poenar has been a member of Midwest Bible Church for 22 years. She has faithfully served the church in many ways; such as being a financial secretary, being on the media team, worship team, and her husband has served as an Elder for 19 years. She has been bookkeeping for a non-profit organization for 20 years and business for 25. Currently, she is the business manager of MCA. Her 2 children have both attended MCA, one being a graduate.
Mr. Sajid Chohan
Sajid Chohan is the school board's Teacher Representative and a member of Midwest Bible Church. He was a student at MCA from 2nd through 8th grade, and has been teaching since 1997. He primarily teaches Jr. High Math with a focus on problem solving skills, finances, and budgeting. Sajid has a wife and 2 children, one of whom is proudly attending MCA this year.
Midwestern Christian Academy is a ministry of Midwest Bible Church. Midwest Bible Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We exist to glorify God in fulfilling the mission of Jesus Christ by seeking His face in worship, serving his family in love, and spreading his fame through discipleship. Join us for our Sunday services!